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What Is The Difference Between A Millwright And A Mechanic?

Difference Between A Millwright And A Mechanic

What Is The Difference Between A Millwright Vs. A Mechanic?

Millwrights in Calgary and mechanics play an important role in industrial sites all over the world. They help ensure that machines are working efficiently and safely, while improving the overall efficiency of a given process. But what are the key differences between millwrights and mechanics? And how can you make sure you’re working with the most qualified professionals to keep your equipment in good working order?

1. Millwrights

Millwrights are skilled specialists who install, move, or even take apart machinery and fixtures. These workers assemble machines, equipment, and tools used in manufacturing power plants, factories, and construction sites. Millwrights work with engineers and managers to plan the proper process of installing machines and other equipment. 

Once a millwright has installed machinery on the floor or roof, they must use hoists, cranes, forklifts, and winches to set the components in their appropriate locations. When something’s not setting properly at a construction site or factory, millwrights are often called to remove the machine parts from where they’re assembled, fix them at their source location, reassemble them and reinstall them at the assembly point.

2. Mechanics

The chief responsibility of heavy-duty equipment mechanics is to provide maintenance and repairs to their employers’ industrial machinery. Maintenance includes routine tasks like replacing belts, cleaning gears, and keeping parts in order. Mechanics must be detail-oriented in order to do their job properly, since minor problems can lead to bigger breakdowns further down the road. Mechanics are expected to work on an as-needed basis, checking machinery for problems. They also perform regular inspections on many machines.

If you’re unsure whether to hire a millwright in Calgary or a mechanic, the best way to make your decision is to look at your business’s current needs. If you need someone to help with installation, repair and maintenance issues, then it makes sense to opt for a millwright. However, if your business is looking for someone who can help with projects that have already been started—or that simply require on-site direction—then a mechanic might be the better choice. Don’t think of it as an either-or situation; most companies will benefit from having both services available at their sites.

Do Millwrights Do Electrical Work?

Millwrights are known for their versatility, mechanical skills, and physical prowess. As such, it should come as no surprise that many Millwrights have experience in other trades. Whether it’s welding, hydraulics, or electrical work, these types of skills come in handy on the job site.

The Takeaway

In the end, millwrights in Calgary and industrial machinery mechanics each have key responsibilities that make them indispensable in an industrial plant. While both play a vital role in keeping machinery in top condition, millwrights tend to focus their energy more on installing machinery, while mechanics are more involved with the actual repair work. Opt for either one for your industrial plant needs, or hire both for an all-in-one solution to all of your equipment issues.

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