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4 Essential Factors of a Hydraulic System Care and Maintenance

hydraulic system

Hydraulic fluid lines are like the veins of a hydraulic system. They carry the liquids needed to power the system, such as oil, synthetic liquids, liquids that don’t catch fire easily, or eco-friendly fluids.

Hydraulic fluid is vital to many machines, providing the required lubrication and resistance between moving parts. It is especially important in heavy equipment that faces the elements, like tractors and excavators. To ensure proper operation, inspecting the fluid for potential contamination regularly is important.

Here are the four essential factors of hydraulic system care and maintenance:

  • System Care

System care is a way to make sure your hydraulic system is running optimally. It involves keeping an eye on the temperature of the hydraulic fluid, which should generally stay within a range of 110-150°F. If the temperature gets too high, it can damage the system, so keeping it within the recommended range is important. Some specialty hydraulic fluids can withstand temperatures up to 250°F, so if you’re using one of these fluids, keep an eye on the temperature to ensure your system runs efficiently.

  • System Cleanliness

System cleanliness ensures a new system is free from dirt and debris before use. This is important because contamination can enter the system and cause problems if it is not cleaned properly before it is used. Cleaning the system properly will help to prevent contamination from occurring in the future.

  • Fluid Cleanliness

Fluid cleanliness is important to ensure that fluids in a system are not contaminated. It is necessary to store fluids in separate, clean containers and away from any sources of dirt or debris. When dealing with critical systems, it is recommended to use proper fittings and hoses and filter all oil added to the system with a five-micron filter to keep it clean.

  • Standardized Oil Analysis Program

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how often to change the hydraulic oil in your system. Regularly monitor your system using test point fittings and gauges to ensure that the system is functioning properly.

Why Get Hydraulic System Care and Maintenance

Optimal preventative maintenance begins with quality testing components and fittings that will ensure that the connections are airtight before the ball check valve is opened. This will reduce the amount of contamination entering the system. Additionally, self-locking metal caps should be used to safeguard the system. Placing testing points on the hydraulic lines will make it easier to regularly assess and measure the system pressure and other important factors that will affect the system’s condition.

To keep equipment and components functioning optimally and for long-term service life, it is important to regularly check their performance and carry out necessary maintenance activities such as changing fluids according to a schedule. By doing so, costly unplanned or frequent shutdowns can be avoided.


Proper care and maintenance of hydraulic systems is essential for longevity and efficiency. The four essential factors that should be considered are filtration, cleanliness, fluid quality, and temperature. It is important to keep the fluid clean, use the right filters, and check the temperature regularly. Regular checks and maintenance of the hydraulic system can help reduce the need for costly repairs and downtime. It is also important to schedule regular system maintenance to ensure optimal performance and efficiency.

Emalgan Industrial Services is a millwright and electrician service company with an uncompromising commitment to safety, quality control, training, and innovation. We are staffed by highly skilled personnel that take pride in our innovation and creativity and complete our work safely and timely for every project. We stay on top of all industry standards to ensure that your requirements exceed industry standards. If you need industrial maintenance services in Calgary, we’ve got you covered! Get in touch with us today and let us know how we can help!

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