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Why Do Industrial Conveyor Belts Need Maintenance Services?

Conveyor belt

Many diverse industrial operations employ conveyor belts. They are versatile and customisable, but to extend the dependability and lifespan of your system, you must properly maintain them.

Industrial Conveyor belts are among the most used machinery; thus, routine maintenance is the best way to prevent downtime brought on by misalignment, mistracking, and other operational concerns.

Knowing the right processes to follow is crucial while maintaining your equipment. Thus, it’s critical to identify any problems. 

Although we always strongly recommend hiring a specialist on Calgary conveyor belt repairs, the most crucial steps you can take to ensure that your system functions effectively for many years to come are provided below.

Do Not Delay Repairs

Setting maintenance and conveyor belt service as a top priority are one of the best things you can do to maintain the longevity of your conveyor belt.

If you find a missing part or a computer acting strangely, shut down your system immediately and begin the examination process. 

Make sure all the components are in the right locations by checking them individually. Start addressing any issues as soon as you find them.

Belt defects and misalignment may primarily bring on issues with conveyor belt systems. Examine the route, the belt coverings, the terrain variations, and the materials’ durability. 

Make sure the thickness and material are acceptable for the machine and use case because the belt cover acts as the first line of defence.

Small system defects are routinely ignored, allowing them to develop into larger, more complex problems. Long-term downtime can be reduced by performing Calgary conveyor repairs as a higher priority than output.

Visually Inspect For Damage

Assign a team member the duty of conducting routine equipment inspections. Are there any muddy belts visible? You keep running into missing pieces everywhere. Then it is time to fix and replace those parts. Keep note of all repairs to avoid running out of parts quickly.

If a conveyor belt is frayed, the conveyor belt service should replace the belt. Don’t replace your machines until they are unusable because you want them to operate at their best at all times. 

Remember to check the frame, tiny bolts, and all of the components; your equipment’s components are interconnected, so don’t only concentrate on your belts.

Steer Clear of Snags and Accumulation

Due to excessive buildups and unclean conveyor belt components, many people encounter problems with their industrial conveyor belt system.

Routine visual inspections are required to maintain all sections clear and unhindered, whether there is debris from the items you are moving or from normal wear and tear.

Find out what supplies your cleaning and sanitation staff uses for regular upkeep. Ultimately, clean equipment is reliable equipment. 

Any common cleaning agent or solvent should not harm the belt’s fabric. We advise starting a regular cleaning schedule immediately if you don’t have one.

Remember that your maintenance checklist goes beyond simple cleaning and obstacle removal. Check to make sure each belt is on track and securely attached. 

Make sure your tools and belts aren’t overused. Remember that ideal tracking and utilisation are necessary for a successful plant and to prevent excessive belt wear. If you need help observing these operations, do not be hesitant to contact a conveyor belt expert.

Be Mindful of Conveyor Maintenance

Even though it may seem like a hassle, all that work is necessary if you want to operate a successful business. Write down who did the repairs or cleanings, when they were finished, and the cost in a notebook or spreadsheet to keep track of your maintenance. This will assist you in ensuring that your backstock is also current.

To ensure that work is being completed at a cadence that is good for your systems, keep in mind to routinely monitor logs.

Maintain Your Supply of Conveyor Parts

When a problem arises, having a backstock of the most crucial conveyor belt components helps minimise downtime. Make sure to consider your backstock decisions carefully and designate someone to oversee the conveyor belt component stock levels.

You won’t be ready for the worst-case scenario if you only have one belt and numerous machines share it.

Choose the belts that are most important to your company. So that you can always access your most important instruments, make sure you have plenty of temporary solutions on hand, such as mechanical lacing or cold-curing cement.


Along with your efforts, you should maintain track of the belt and machine lifespans. How long ago did you buy them? How often are the belts changed? Are belts still as durable as they once were? These can all be crucial determinants of how effectively your systems perform. At this point, your best option is to hunt for a company that offers industrial machine repair and conveyor belt services. 

Emalgan Industrial Services is a Millwright and Electrician Service company with an uncompromising commitment to safety, quality control, training, and innovation. Contact us for Calgary conveyor belt repairs!

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